Balancing Housing Production and Neighborhood Integrity: Livable Mountain View is committed to new housing production production via its California government approved Housing Element. Yet in the outreach for Mountain View’s latest General Plan Update, most residents indicated that they preferred their neighborhood character to be preserved. We support developments that build new housing in our community while also providing for supporting infrastructure needed for a well planned community.
Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan and Heritage Trees: Mountain View city staff has begun collecting public input for a new Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan that will guide the creation of new parks, enhancement of existing parks, and park use. Providing input for this plan will be a major work item for the new 2025 council. We advocate for real city parks as opposed to privately owned, publicly accessible spaces (POPAs) whose use it at the mercy of the property owners. We want the city to adopt a real plan for maintaining our heritage trees when new large developments are planned. In particular, trees on the edge of the property should be preserved. The developers should build around them.
Historic Preservation and Register Update: Mountain View is preparing a Historic Preservation and Register Update. We advocate for preserving Mountain View’s key historic buildings in areas A, G, and H of the Downtown Precise Plan. The city should appear before the State Historic Resources Commission in Sacramento to advocate that these buildings are eligible for the state and federal historic registers. The city should provide advice and funds to the owners of historic properties to restore historic features. The city should provide literature informing property owners of the advantages of placing their homes on the city’s historic register.
Downtown Precise Plan Update and Moffett Boulevard Precise Plan: Mountain View is in the process of updating its Downtown Precise Plan and is initiating discussion of a Moffett Boulevard Precise Plan. We support preservation of Downtown Precise Plan’s Historic Retail District H. We also support strengthening the requirements for new development in the downtown so they can be enforced when new development proposals are proposed. We oppose administrative office along the ground floor. We are particularly concerned about removal of heritage trees in parcels adjacent to Castro Street. We support development in the Moffett area which strengthens this community and retains and enhances public serving uses.
Shoreline Regional Tax District: Mountain View’s plans for responding to climate change include a plan to mitigate against sea-level rise in the North Bayshore area. Dealing with sea level rise is essential to maintaining the viability of the current and future uses of this important area of Mountain View. The tax district funds should not be redirected for other uses.